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Tech guide: From life hacks to self-care

Sep. 27, 2019 / The Irish Times

“One of the biggest issues facing any student is how to properly reference and build a bibliography. What is the Harvard referencing system and how is that different to Chicago? Why does one lecturer insist on you using APA but another demand Oscala? EasyBib makes the process a whole lot easier. EasyBib helps you to manage your existing projects, scan to make sure you have not committed plagiarism and makes sure your grammar and spelling is on the right track.”

Best apps for college students to save time, money and rock another semester

Sep. 23, 2019 / CNET

EasyBib: Best app for citations

Citations were the bane of my existence in college, but they don’t have to break your spirit. EasyBib is a helpful web app that generates citations in MLA for free. The site also has tools that detect plagiarism (even if you didn’t mean to) and checks grammar.”

New Google Docs Workflow Streamlines Collaboration for College Students

Oct. 2017 / EdTech: Focus on Higher Education

“Now, students and educators can use new customizable templates to make it even easier to use the Google tools for academic papers. A Google Doc template even lets users instantly write papers in the MLA format and use the EasyBib Add-On for easy citation.”

The Best Back-to-School Apps

Feb. 1, 2017 / CNET

“As anyone who’s ever written an essay knows, bibliographies are a massive pain. So take the work out of keeping track of your references with EasyBib. It even lets you scan book barcodes to automatically pull title information.”

Stellar Databases: SLJ Readers’ Favorites and Other Essential Electronic Resources

digitalshiftThe Digital Shift – 4/10/14 by Elizabeth Michaelson
“In the survey that drove Lauren Barack’s recent “Device and Conquer” article for SLJ (ow.ly/utWO2), librarians mentioned EasyBib as one of their favorite tools.”

Students most often cite Wikipedia in their bibliographies. Why that could kill future startups

Quartz – 11/26/2012 by Neal Taparia
“More importantly, through our product EasyBib, we have direct insight into the questioning and inquiry skills of students. And it’s scary. Guess what the most cited source is on EasyBib? Wikipedia. Five other top 20 sources are also user-generated websites, including Wiki Answers and Yahoo Voices.”

EasyBib’s new Chrome extension tells students how credible sites are, auto-generates citations

The Next Web – 10/11/2012 by Harrison Weber
“Now, as EasyBib evolves into a research platform, the company has released a new browser extension that calculates how credible any given site is for research and then auto-generates your citation for you. Everyone knows how boring it is to write out citations by hand — this utility eases that pain.”

Abandoned for Years, Web 2.0 Tool EasyBib Is Now a Thriving Business

PandoDailyPandoDaily – 9/27/2012 by Erin Griffith
“EasyBib is now a self-described “research platform.” There’s a note taking feature that creates virtual notecards. There is an option to use the Cornell note taking system. There is a notable social research feature. This indexes half a billion citations, giving users insight into which sources others are citing as they research similar topics.”

EasyBib is “Teacher Approved”

Teaching Blog Addict
Teaching Blog Addict, the #1 teacher blog online, has given EasyBib its stamp of approval and recognizes it as a “Teacher Approved” site.

New info-infographics from EasyBib & Turnitin

School Library Journal – 6/2/2012 by Joyce Valenza
“Over the past couple of weeks, two companies released informative information literacy infographics. EasyBib shared You are What You Write which revealed…”

The most popular websites students cite and plagiarize

ZDNet – 6/1/2012 by Charlie Osborne
“Digital sources of information are often used in student essays and projects — from young children to university level. But what websites are the most popular in the student realm? Easybib, a popular citation service used to create half a billion citations worldwide, has compiled an ethnographic study which focuses on just which websites appeal to students the most — whether it be because of quick access to information, assistance on defining terms, or keeping up with the latest news.”

Students Cite YouTube, Google, Wikipedia the Most

Mashable – 5/31/2012 by Sarah Kessler
“When doing homework, many students turn to the same websites as they do when they’re surfing the web under other circumstances. Four of the top ten most-cited websites on Easybib, a site used to create more than 500 million citations, are user-generated sites like Wikipedia and YouTube.”

Sarah’s Picks: Top Tech Tools

School Library Journal – 5/1/2012 by Sarah Ludwig
“Citation tools make it easier for students to account for their sources, which lets kids focus on research. EasyBib does this best, with a super-cool app that lets you generate a citation by scanning a book’s barcode and the Easy Cite tool, which creates a citation from a simple URL.”

Bibliographies Made Easy

The Huffington Post – 4/17/2012 by Bryce Longton
“The web has this mystical power to take horrible dragons and turn them into gentle and loving kittens. An example is the bibliography. What used to be an gnarly battle involving ye olde card catalogue, thick citation manuals and reams of paper, is now an easy type-and-cite kind of deal. The eight ton kitty in the online bibliography space is Easybib.”

Advisor Reviews-Standard Review: EasyBib

Charleston Advisor – 4/12/2012 by Lizah Ismali
“EasyBib is an intuitive and affordable online citation and research management tool that allows for a complete research experience. In addition to its citation features, it also provides note taking, paper writing, and topic search features.”

10 Free Websites Every College Student Should Know

Chegg – 4/11/2012 by BeverlyK
“There are multiple bibliography generating sources but EasyBib is my favorite. At EasyBib you can either manually plug in your source’s information or paste the ISBN and the website will generate your up-to-date and properly formatted MLA citation. You can put in multiple sources and pull up the full works cited page or copy paste it manually one by one.”

5 unexpected industry-specific iOS apps

VentureBeat – 4/10/2012
“Case in point is the free EasyBib app, which scans a book by bar code (or by entering in the title) to provide you with MLA, APA and Chicago style citations, or you can write your own citations. Citations can then be emailed or exported to EasyBib’s bibliography management service for easy organization.”

EasyBib Boasts Half a Billion Citations with 34 Million Students on its Platform

The Next Web – 4/3/2012 by Courtney Boyd Myers
“Thankfully, tools like EasyBib make a student’s life a lot easier. The web app, which is also available for the iPhone and iPad and on Android, helps students determine appropriate and credible sources to use and provides simple tools to cite sources and avoid plagiarism. EasyBib’s mission is to help educators combat information illiteracy — a problem that user-generated content has exacerbated.”

EasyBib: Student citation reaches half a billion

ZD Net – 4/3/2012 by Charlie Osborne
“Learning how and when to cite a source in an academic paper is a concept that students often struggle with. What style of formatting is correct? APA, MLA, Chicago? Do I cite an image, a quote, and how much can I borrow from ideas? However, in the way that technology and software developers create solutions for a variety of problems in modern society, a popular electronic method of citation, EasyBib, has continually grown its student following.”

4 Technology Must Haves for Online Students

U.S. World News & Report – 1/10/2012 by Menachem Wecker
“Like their peers in traditional programs, online students have to write papers, which means they need to know the proper format for citing the works they reference. EasyBib.com is one product available to help with bibliography formatting. Students paste website addresses and book titles into EasyBib, which automatically formats citations.”

Booklist reviews EasyBib.com

ALA: Booklist Magazine – 5/1/2011
“Managing citations is one of the most difficult tasks associated with high-school and college term papers. Students are not used to the strict rules of placement and format. EasyBib offers a solution to this problem with a friendly web-based interface designed for both automatic citation generation and manual entry.”

EasyBib Review

Choice – 4/2011 by R. J. Erlandson
“EasyBib automatically formats information into MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian style citations, footnotes, and bibliographic entries. Users may export citations and documents from EasyBib to MS Word and Google Docs.”

It’s an Easy Choice! My Review of EasyBib

The Nerdy Teacher – 4/18/2011 by Nick Provenzano
“I have used EasyBib.com for years and have directed my students to use it as well. Even though I was forced to memorize every period and quote mark for citation, EasyBib is a much easier way for students to cite their work for papers. Since MLA seems to constantly change the rules, it’s nice that EasyBib takes care of those changes for the user. Knowing how many students use their product for research, EasyBib has designed a system that should help make research easier.”

Product: EasyBib.com

Tech & Learning – 1/4/2011 by MaryAnn Karre
“EasyBib.com is just as valuable a tool for the beginning researcher as for the university student. EasyBib is the right name for this product, as it makes complete and accurate bibliographies a snap. With Autocite, it’s as simple as entering an ISBN, URL, keyword, or part of a title to generate a complete citation for books, databases, and as many as 58 types of sources including cartoons, music, and public performances.”

Tried EasyBib Yet? You Can Here with No Muss or Fuss

Library Journal – 10/12/2010 by Cheryl LaGuardia
“Earlier this year in my guest blog post for U.S. News and World Report’s Professors’ Guide I referred to EasyBib, the free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Maker. My interest in EasyBib stems from my users’ interest in it: I’ve been getting feedback from students that the amount of time and effort required to learn and use some other citation tools is greater than students need, or want, to invest. They find EasyBib to be easier to use.”

The Solution To Citing | Bibliography Help

Make it Work Blog – 9/7/2010 by Jacob Greenspan
“It’s school time already and it won’t be long before your kids are hounded by their teachers to cite their work properly. Every piece of information used – a book, website, newspaper, a magazine, and much more – can easily be cited with the free online service EasyBib. EasyBib takes the guessing out of citing; it is the easiest bibliography and citation resource online!”

Top 10 Tips for Doing E-Research at College

U.S. World News & Report – 8/4/2010 by Lynn F. Jacobs & Jeremy S. Hyman
“It’s smart to create your paper’s footnotes and bibliography as you go along; it saves time and backtracking later. There are lots of different softwares for doing this; your college will probably give you access to one of these or you can go online and locate free software. Here’s an example of a free online citation tool, EasyBib.”

Treat your child’s gadgets as productivity boosters

The Globe and Mail – 8/4/2010 by Chaya Cooperberg
“This automatic bibliography and citation maker lets students simply plug in their term paper sources and have a Works Cited page generated in a Microsoft Word document. Type in the first few words of a source – such as a book, journal or website – and the app will search and find it.”

Credo’s Topic Pages – a great place to start your research!

No Shelf Required – 3/24/2010 by Sue Polanka
“Sharing the topic page content via social tools, links to the library’s chat/IM service, and article citations via EasyBib are included as well, and that’s just the basic topic page. (side note, have you heard of EasyBib? 16 million students are using it…probably some of yours)”

An Interview with the Creators of the Quickest and Most Efficient Online Bibliography Service

The Campus Socialite – 12/2/2009 by Dan Birnbaum
“Do away with the ugly red marks on that last page and the unjustified decrease in our grades! I say we get our bibliographies correct the first and only time around! EasyBib.com is the quickest, most efficient way to not only create and complete a works cited page in literally minutes but is the only dedicated, online, automated bibliography service currently used around the world by students of all ages.”

Another sign teens have it too easy: EasyBib.com

Associated Press – 9/13/2009 by Beth J. Harpaz
“Here’s yet another sign that today’s kids have it way too easy: They no longer have to learn the format for creating bibliographies for their term papers. They just log on to EasyBib.com, fill in the blanks (title, author, publisher, etc.), and voila — instant bibliography, in alphabetical order! If you have the ISBN number, just type that in, and the program will even fill in all the blanks for you. And that’s just one example.”

Back to School: 15 Essential Web Tools for Students

Mashable – 9/3/2009 by Josh Catone
“EasyBib is one of the most popular online bibliographic tools, letting you automatically create citations in APA, Chicago/Turabian, and MLA styles. Over 218 million citations have been generated using the site since 2001.”

EasyBib goes freemium!

ZD Net – 8/25/2009 by Christopher Dawson
“For any of you who haven’t already found EasyBib, it’s a must-have site on your list of bookmarks. EasyBib.com handles all of that and makes the creation of a works cited page so incredibly easy that there is no longer any excuse for students not to create them. While EasyBib used to allow you to create your bibliographies in any of the three major styles, it’s now using a “freemium” model in which you need to pay for any style other than MLA.”

TigerLogic Announces yolink Product and Marketing Partnership with EasyBib

Smart Brief – 8/13/2009 by Brian Cheek
“TigerLogic Corporation today announced a product integration and marketing partnership with EasyBib. TigerLogic has integrated the EasyBib citation service within the Save & Share feature of its yolink search enhancement tool to allow users to easily create a bibliography.”

EZ Bibliographies

The Chronicle of Higher Education – 11/28/2008 by James M. Lang
“I started with EasyBib.com, and found it to be exactly what the student had promised: a Web site that not only properly formats each entry of your Works Cited list but also allows you to export the entire list into a Microsoft Word document. It doesn’t commit many of the sins my students frequently commit when they create a source list on their own.”

Easy as ABC: Web apps for students

CNET – 8/6/2008 by Harrison Hoffman
“Here is a selection of web apps, for students, to help ease the pain of the upcoming school year. This one is a little bit of an old school pick, but it’s an indispensable resource for every student. EasyBib lets you pick from a variety of types of sources, then you just fill in all of the information that you can, and EasyBib will automatically generate a MLA or APA formatted works cited page.”

Site of the Week: EasyBib.com

PC Mag – 8/17/2007 by Errol Pierre-Louis
“You’ve put the final touches on your ten-page paper and sleep is calling—when the horrible realization hits: You still have to write a bibliography. For me, the bibliography was always the worst part of writing papers. Having to hunt down sources, noting the copyright information, and putting it all into proper format can be a headache, especially if you’ve already returned your research books. EasyBib.com makes the process painless by creating the bibliography for you.”

EasyBib – Bibliography Creation Tool

Center Networks – 10/20/2006 by Jake Dahn
“Some of you may have heard of EasyBib before and you know it rocks. EasyBib is a really useful tool for putting together that dreaded bibliography. It takes the sources that you feed it, and will turn things out, in either APA or MLA format. If you’re in college, this may be especially useful for those English classes. It’s really straight forward, you put your sources into a form, and click Format Citation.”

Students’ site eases task of writing bibliography

Chicago Tribune – 9/20/2001 by Agustina Guerrero
“Writing an essay without including a bibliography is a sure way to earn the wrath of an English teacher. Or at least an incomplete grade, if not worse. But Neal Taparia, a student at Hinsdale Central High School, has developed a solution for students in a pinch. Taparia’s EasyBib.com Web site formats and alphabetizes bibliographies for free, simplifying this tedious task for students at every level.”