A Guide to Helping Your Students Through the Writing Process
Sometimes, when you assign students a writing task, they immediately balk. For students, writing assignments can be overwhelming – there are so many components for them to keep track of that they often don’t even know how to start. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Technology makes it easier than ever for students […] ...
Helping Students Organize Their Thoughts Before They Write
Students often find that organizing their thoughts can be one of the toughest parts of the writing process. They can find the information, jot down ideas, and even take good notes, but they struggle to arrange their thoughts into a cohesive structure that helps them communicate their ideas. The way students organize their notes can have a […] ...
Informational Speeches on Issues that Matter
We hear from our teachers that students often struggle to craft effective presentations, for a variety of reasons. In some cases they suffer from “stage fright,” and are nervous about speaking in front of their peers. Others have a tough time finding topics, organizing their thoughts, and presenting them coherently, while simultaneously engaging their […] ...