How to Cite a TV Show in APA

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Published August 10, 2012. Updated July 12, 2022.


Citing an episode from TV or radio show


Writer, F.M. (Writer), & Director, F.M. (Director). (Year of airing). Episode title [Television series episode]. In F.M. Producer (Executive Producer), TV series name. Production company.

Note: When there are multiple people writers in a role, list their names in this same format with the role in parentheses following each name. If there are multiple executive producers, list their names separated by commas and follow their names with (Executive Producers).

Note: This information is found in the opening or closing credits of the episode. If you do not have access to the episode when compiling your bibliography, consult or a similar website.

Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 4.30.12 PM
Note: House, M.D. originally aired under Fox Broadcasting, which is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA.


Dick, L. (Writer), & Yaitanes, G. (Director). (2009). Simple explanation [Television series episode]. In P. Attanasio (Executive producer), House, M.D. Fox Broadcasting.

Example with multiple writers and executive producers:

Smith, L. (Writer), Kumar, M. (Writer), & Stephens, M. (Director). (2019). First impressions (Season 2, Episode 11) [Television series episode]. In J. Lee, P. Silva, & B. King (Executive Producers), First Cousins. California Productions.

In-text citation structure & example:

(Writer Last Name & Director Last Name, year of airing)

(Dick & Yaitanes, 2019)

In-text citation structure & example with multiple writers:

(Last Name of Writer, et. al., year of airing)

(Smith, et al., 2019)



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