How to Cite Sheet Music in APA

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Published July 30, 2014. Updated June 21, 2022.


The APA Publication Manual does not specify how to cite sheet music, though some guidance is found on musical scores on the APA website. In general, follow the format for a book citation when citing sheet music or musical scores. Here are special considerations:

  • Individual author: Begin the citation with the name of the composer (treat them as the author). Optional: after the author’s name but before the date published, include “(Composer)” in order to label who the individual is.
  • Title of sheet music: Like a book title, italicize the title of the music. Additionally, in brackets [] after the title, include a description of the music. This could be [Sheet music], [Musical score], [Libretto], [Piano score], etc.
  • Classical works: If a classical work has been republished, include its original publication date at the end of the citation (see below for examples).

Guide overview

Citing sheet music

Reference list entry structure & examples:

Composer Last Name, First Initial. (Composer). (Year published). Title of sheet music [Description of music]. Publisher name. (Original work published YEAR if applicable)

Beethoven, L. (Composer). (2002). Fur Elise [Sheet music]. Random House. (Original work published 1810)

Geiss, T. (Composer). (1992). Elmo’s song [Sheet music]. Universal Music Publishing Group.

In-text citation structure & example:

(Composer Last Name, Year Published/Original Year)

(Beethoven, 2002/1810)

(Geiss, 1992)

Citing sheet music from an edited collection or anthology

Sheet music can be part of a collection or anthology. In these cases, you format the citation like a chapter from a book or anthology (see below).

Reference list entry structure & example:

Composer Last Name, First Initial. (Year published). Title of sheet music [Description of music]. In Editor First Initial. Last Name (Ed.), Collection Name. Publisher name. (Original work published YEAR if applicable)

Beethoven, L. (2002). Fur Elise [Sheet music]. In A. Harrington (Ed.), Book of music. Random House. (Original work published 1810)

In-text citation structure & example:

(Composer Last Name, Year published/Original Year)

(Beethoven, 2002/1810)

Citing sheet music from a collection, single author

If the sheet music is from a book or collection with multiple songs by a single author (or group of authors), cite it like you would a book. In your in-text citation, you may specifically mention the song and page number you’re discussing.

Reference list entry structure & example:

Composer Last Name, First Initial. (Year published). Title of Collection or Book. Publisher name. (Original work published YEAR if applicable)

Henry, S. W. (2019). Peach in music flute solos: a collection of sacred hymn arrangements for solo flute with piano accompaniment. Birchnote.

In-text citation structure & example:

(Composer Last Name, Year published/Original Year, p. Page numbers)

This style is seen in the duet “Come Follow Me” (Henry, 2019, p. 20).

Citing sheet music from a website

If the sheet music was accessed or downloaded from a website, you can use the same citation structures as above, but add the webpage URL at the end of the reference list entry but before the date originally published.

Reference list entry structure & example:

Composer Last Name, First Initial. (Composer). (Year published). Title of sheet music [Description of music]. Publisher name. URL (Original work published YEAR if applicable)

Ravel, M. (Composer). (n.d.). Bolero [Sheet music]. Red Balloon Technology Ltd. (Original work published 1928)

In-text citation structure & example:

(Composer Last Name, Year published/Original year)

(Ravel, n.d./1928)

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