How to Cite a Musical Recording in Chicago/Turabian

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Published August 10, 2012. Updated July 15, 2022.


If you want to quote song lyrics or are writing about a music related topic, you may need to cite a song or album in your paper. This guide will show you how to create notes-bibliography style citations for musical recordings using the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Guide Overview

Citing a Musical Recording

Note: The Chicago Manual of Style states that audio materials should usually be listed in a discography, not a bibliography. This is especially important if you have a large number of entries for musical recordings. Check with your instructor and reference section 14.262 of the manual.

Citation Structure:


1. “Song Title,” track # on First name Last name/Band name, Album Title, Record Label number of recording, year of recording, format.


Last name, First name of performer/Band name. “Song Title.” Track # on Album Title. Record Label number of recording, year of recording, format.

Note: “Number of recording” refers to the catalog number for the recording. This information can be found on the back cover or online at websites like

Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 3.11.31 PMCitation Example:


1. “One for the Road,” track 3 on Arctic Monkeys, AM, Domino Records WIGCD317, 2013, compact disc.


Arctic Monkeys. “One for the Road.” Track 3 on AM. Domino Records WIGCD317, 2013, compact disc.

Citing a Whole Album

Citation Structure:


1. First name Last name/Band name, Album Title, Record Label number of recording, year of recording, format.


Last name, First name of performer/Band name. Album Title. Record Label number of recording, year of recording, format.

Citation Example:


1. Cake, Comfort Eagle, Columbia CK 62132, 2001, compact disc.


Cake. Comfort Eagle. Columbia CK 62132, 2001, compact disc.

Citing a Musical Recording Accessed Via Streaming Service

If you accessed the recording online via a streaming service such as Spotify, include that information in your citation instead of the format.

Citation Structure:


1. “Song Title,” Name of Streaming Service, track # on First name Last name/Band name, Album Title, Record Label, year of recording.


Last name, First name of performer/Band name. “Song Title.” Track # on Album Title. Record Label, year of recording, Name of Streaming Service audio.

Citation Example:


1. “Limelight,” Spotify, track 4 on Rush, Moving Pictures, Anthem, 1981.


Rush. “Limelight.” Track 4 on Moving Pictures. Anthem, 1981, Spotify audio.

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