How to Cite a Podcast in Chicago/Turabian

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Published July 21, 2014. Updated June 21, 2022.


A podcast episode is usually an audio recording that is part of a series. As a new medium, it might not be the first source type a writer cites, but podcasts can provide good information and insights. Many podcasts are informative and can include interviews with credible sources. You may want to cite an interview from a podcast when writing your paper.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to cite a podcast episode in notes-bibliography style using the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.

How to Cite a Podcast in Chicago Style

Bibliography Entry Structure and Examples:

Last Name, First Name. “Episode Title”. Produced by Producer First Name Last Name. Podcast Title, Month Date, Year of publication. Podcast, Length in 00:00. URL.

Starecheski, Laura. “Goat on a Cow.” Produced by New York Public Radio. Radiolab, September 10, 2007. Podcast, MP3 audio, 24:47.

Note Structure and Example:

1. First and Last Name, “Episode Title,” Month Day, Year, in Podcast Name, produced by Producer First Name Last Name, podcast, format, Length in 00:00, URL.

1. Laura Starecheski, “Goat on a Cow,” September 10, 2007, in Radiolab, produced by New York Public Radio, podcast, MP3 audio, 24:47,

Podcast - APA

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