How to Cite President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Speech

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Published October 23, 2020. Updated July 28, 2022.


President Donald Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States of America will be remembered as one of the most talked about events of 2017. Students, researchers, and reporters across the country analyzed his speech to use in their assignments, papers, and articles. Wondering how to cite a transcript or video recording for an inauguration speech or any speech? Use the following guidelines to do so in APA 7, Chicago, and MLA 9 format.

How to Cite an Online Transcript of a Speech

The full transcript of Trump’s inauguration speech can be found on numerous websites. We used the transcript found on CNN. We’ll include templates and examples for APA 7, Chicago, and MLA 9 below.

In order to cite the online speech transcript, locate the following pieces of information:

  1. The speaker’s first and last name
  2. Title of the speech
  3. Title of the website reproducing the speech
  4. Name of the publisher
  5. Date that the resource was published
  6. The URL


Use the following structure to cite a speech’s online transcript in MLA 9:

Speaker’s Last name, First name. “Title of Speech Transcript.” Website Name, Publisher of the Website (only include if it’s different than the name of the website), Online Publication Date, URL (remove https:// or https://). Transcript.

The above transcript of Trump’s inauguration speech transcript is cited like this in MLA 9:

Trump, Donald. “Inaugural Address: Trump’s Full Speech.” CNN, Turner Broadcasting System, 20 Jan. 2017, Transcript.

Here’s how to cite a speech transcript in a parenthetical citation in MLA 9:

(Speaker’s Last Name)


Here’s how to cite a speech transcript in a citation in prose in MLA 9:

First Name Last Name…

Donald Trump stated that every four years “we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power.”


Use the following structure to cite a speech’s online transcript in APA 7:

Speaker Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date of Speech). Title of speech [Speech transcript]. Website Name. URL

The above transcript of Trump’s inauguration speech is cited like this in APA 7:

Trump, D. J. (2017, January 20). Inaugural address: Trump’s full speech [Speech transcript]. CNN, Turner Broadcasting System.

Here’s how to cite a speech transcript with in-text citations in APA 7:

Parenthetical: (Last Name, Year)

(Trump, 2017)

Narrative: Last Name (Year)

Trump (2017)


Use the following structure to cite a speech’s online transcript in Chicago’s note-bibliography style:

Note Template:

1. Speaker’s First Name Last Name, “Title of Speech,” Date of speech, Location of speech, Medium, information on where to find the transcript: Website Name, Website Publisher’s Name, URL.

Bibliography Template:

Speaker Last Name, First Name. “Title of Speech.” Date of Speech. Location of Speech. Medium. Information on where to find the transcript: Website Name, Website Publisher’s Name, URL.

Note Example:

  1. Donald Trump, “Inaugural Address: Trump’s Full Speech,” January 20, 2017, Washington, DC, Transcript, CNN,

Bibliography Example:

Trump, Donald. “Inaugural Address: Trump’s Full Speech.” January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC, Transcript, CNN,

How to Cite a Video Recording of a Speech

The New York Times posted the video of Trump’s inauguration speech in its entirety.

To cite a video recording of the speech, locate the following pieces of information:

  1. The speaker’s first and last name
  2. Title of the video
  3. Date and location of the video recording (if available)
  4. Title of the website
  5. Medium or format details (video, MPEG video, etc.)
  6. Video running time (e.g., 15:35)
  7. Name of the publisher (if different from the website name)
  8. Date the video was uploaded
  9. The URL or direct link to the video

Use the following structure to cite a speech’s video recording in MLA 9:

Speaker Last Name, First Name. “Video’s Title.” Website Name, Publisher of the Website (only include if it’s different than the name of the website), date the video was uploaded online, URL.

The video of Trump’s inauguration speech would be cited like this in MLA 9:

Trump, Donald. “Trump’s Full Inauguration Speech 2017.” The New York Times*, 20 Jan. 2017,

*Note that the publisher of the video, The New York Times Company, was omitted from the citation since the name of the publisher is the same as the name of the website.

Here’s how to cite a video recording of speech in a parenthetical citation in MLA 9:

(Speaker’s Last Name)


Here’s how to cite a video recording of a speech in a citation in prose in MLA 9:

Speaker First Name Last Name…

Donald Trump stated that every four years “we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power.”

Use the following structure to cite a video recording of a speech in APA 7:

Speaker Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Date of Video Upload). Title of video [Video]. Website Name. URL

Here’s how to cite a video recording of Donald Trump’s speech in APA 7:

Trump, D. J. (2017, January 20). Trump’s full inauguration speech 2017 [Video]. The New York Times.

Here’s how to cite a video recording of a speech with in-text citations in APA 7:

Parenthetical: (Last Name, Year)

(Trump, 2017)

Narrative: Last Name (Year)

Trump (2017)

Use the following structure to cite a speech’s video recording in Chicago’s note-bibliography style:

Note Template:

1. Speaker’s First Name Last Name,  “Title of Video,” Date and Location of Recording, Publisher Name and Publication Date (if available), format (DVD, video, etc.), URL.

Bibliography Template:

Speaker Last Name, First Name. “Title of Video.” Date and Location of Recording (if available). Publisher Name, Publication Date. Video, Video Running Time. URL.

Note Example:

  1. Donald Trump, “Trump’s Full Inauguration Speech 2017,” filmed January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC, New York Times, January 20, 2017, video, 16:19,

Bibliography Example:

Trump, Donald. “Trump’s Full Inauguration Speech 2017.” Filmed January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC. New York Times, January 20, 2017. Video, 16:19.


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