Nouns that start with A

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Published October 14, 2022. Updated October 14, 2022.


What is a noun?

By definition, nouns are people, places, things, or ideas.

Unlike other nouns, nouns starting with A are more common. They are often paired with other consonants such as B, D, P, and T. Consider this article to be a starting point for honing your writing skills. Being the subject of a sentence is one of a noun’s main purposes. In this guide, you’ll see a list of 25 nouns that start with A, as well as their definitions, plurals, and usage examples.

List of A nouns


Definition + Plural Form(s)

Example Sentence


A South American animal related to the Ilama with long, silky wool


PLURAL: alpacas


Compared to wool fibers, the fibers from an alpaca have a higher tensile strength.


The height above the Earth’s surface or sea level


PLURAL: altitudes


We’re flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet.


Someone new to a particular skill or sports


PLURAL: amateurs


Jerry is an amateur who dances only out of inclination.


The atmosphere or feeling of a place


PLURAL: ambiances


The restaurant’s ambiance is peaceful and unhurried.


A strong urge to achieve something


PLURAL: ambitions


Ambition without intelligence is like a bird without wings.


A weight dropped into the water to stop the movement of a boat


PLURAL: anchors


A section of rope was used to secure the anchor.


A very old person or someone who lived in times long past


PLURAL: ancients


The adventurer finally completed his quest to reach the tomb of the ancients.


A short, entertaining story


PLURAL: anecdotes


We are able to solve this puzzle because of a strange anecdote from his life.


A strong feeling of displeasure


PLURAL: angers


He couldn’t hide his anger with us.


Something that works against an unwanted situation to make it better


PLURAL: antidotes


The reviving antidote you require could be found in the news from friends.


A special talent or skill


PLURAL: abilities


I have the ability to levitate things.


A lack of something, or a situation where something or someone isn’t present


PLURAL: absences


Her father would notice her absence.


Agreeing to receive something


PLURAL: acceptances


A few hours ago, she was just notified of her acceptance to the university.


Something that fulfills a particular need, like a hotel room for a traveler


PLURAL: accommodations


Local accommodations can be found either on campus or in close vicinity.


Someone, you know casually but not as well as a friend


PLURAL: acquaintances


By the end of the conference, I had made several new acquaintances.


The physical location of something


PLURAL: addresses


We’re checking with the post office for a change of address.


Some who regards someone or something with amazement


PLURAL: admirers


I am a great admirer of your work.


The period of time between puberty and adulthood


PLURAL: adolescents


That song makes me think back to my adolescence so much.


An exciting experience that usually involves risks


PLURAL: adventures


I’m up to a little adventure.


A radio antenna, especially one suspended in the air


PLURAL: aerials


Drone aerial scans were utilized to evaluate the security of sending troops into the region.


A feeling or emotion, especially when manifested through body language


PLURAL: affects


After the best man’s speech, the emotional affect on the groom was clearly observable.


Coming to a mutual decision or arrangement


PLURAL: agreements


When the others nodded in agreement, I was taken aback and strengthened to continue.


A passageway between different sections


PLURAL: aisles


The altar is accessible from the spacious center aisle of the lovely cathedral.


The power to attract or entice


PLURAL: allures


Smoky eye makeup done right can give you an exotic allure and a dramatic look.


Typical or common


PLURAL: averages


In New South Wales, the rainfall reaches a yearly average of 64 in.

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