Nouns that start with M
Published October 17, 2022. Updated October 17, 2022.
What is a noun?
Nouns are by definition things, places, people, or concepts.
M-starting nouns are more prevalent than other nouns. It frequently goes together with other consonants like G, K, P, S, and V. Use this article as a starting point to improve your writing. The primary function of a noun is to serve as the sentence’s subject. In this guide, you’ll see a list of 25 nouns that begin with M and see their definition, plural form, and usage examples.
List of M nouns
Noun |
Definition + Plural Form(s) |
Example Sentence |
Man |
a human male grownup
The newspaper man gave the movie some favorable reviews. |
Matter |
an issue or topic that is being addressed or thought about
PLURAL: Matters
Could I discuss a personal matter with you? |
Market |
is a location or gathering where people come together to buy and sell goods
PLURAL: Markets
At the farmer’s market, she manages a booth. |
Map |
a diagrammatic representation of land or sea area that highlights its physical characteristics, cities, and highways
We need a detailed map with all the walking trails marked on it. |
Manner |
how something is carried out
PLURAL: Manners
The manner in which she addressed her boss was disrespectful. |
communications or packages sent or delivered by the postal service
She read and responded to her mail in the morning. |
Magazine |
is a periodical publication including articles and images, frequently on a certain topic or directed at a specific readership
PLURAL: Magazines
She has contributed to numerous women’s magazines with articles. |
Management |
the management and planning of something
PLURAL: Managements
The company has suffered as a result of poor management for many years. |
Majority |
is the greater quantity or component of something
PLURAL: Majority
The majority of the staff members have advanced degrees. |
Material |
is a material that can be used to create things.
PLURAL: Materials
Plastic is produced using crude oil as a raw material. |
Meal |
is an action or a period of when food is consumed to sate hunger
At noon, I have my big meal. |
Menu |
a list of the foods a restaurant offers
She received a menu from the waiter. |
Medicine |
is a medication that treats illness or injury, typically in the form of a liquid or pill
PLURAL: Medicines
She has extensive knowledge of herbal medicines. |
Message |
a message conveyed to or left for a person who cannot be reached directly, whether it be spoken, written, or recorded
PLURAL: Messages
Leave a message on the answering machine if I’m not there. |
Meat |
using animal and particularly mammal tissue as nourishment
I avoid eating meat. |
Minute |
one of the 60 segments, each with a duration of 60 seconds, that makeup one hour.
PLURAL: Minutes
My commute to work is 20 minutes long. |
Milk |
is the white beverage made by cows, goats, and sheep that are consumed by humans
The finest food for a baby is the mother’s milk. |
Mind |
a person’s emotional, cognitive, perceptual, volitional, and especially reasoning self
There is considerable debate among scientists over the precise location of the mind. |
Morning |
is the period of the day that begins when you awake or when the sun rises and ends when lunchtime arrives.
PLURAL: Mornings
This morning, I have a meeting. |
Mother |
a mother as a parent
PLURAL: Mothers
She came back to Bristol to take care of her ailing mother. |
Money |
is a currency that is currently in use, such as coins and banknotes
PLURAL: Moneys
Before putting the money in my wallet, I counted it. |
Music |
combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) in a way that results in aesthetic beauty, harmony, and emotional expression
PLURAL: Musics
This radio station plays good music. |
Moment |
an extremely brief amount of time
PLURAL: Moments
Please wait for a moment. |
Mores |
the traditional practices and conduct that are distinctive of a given social group
He imparts to them social mores and proper behavior. |
Monument |
a monument or edifice erected in respect of a noteworthy individual or occasion
PLURAL: Monuments
A monument to all those lost in the conflict is located in the square in front of the hotel. |