Nouns that start with O
Published October 17, 2022. Updated October 17, 2022.
What is a noun?
Nouns are by definition things, places, people, or concepts.
O starting nouns are more prevalent than other nouns. It frequently goes together with other consonants like D, F, G, K, and P. Use this article as a starting point to improve your writing. The primary function of a noun is to serve as the sentence’s subject. In this guide, you’ll see a list of 25 nouns that begin with O, and see their definitions, plurals, and usage examples.
List of O nouns
Noun |
Definition + Plural Form(s) |
Example Sentence |
Oath |
a sincere pledge to tell the truth or follow through on your commitments
The Constitution is an oath to be upheld by presidents. |
Oatmeal |
oat flour is used to make oat cakes or porridge
PLURAL: Oatmeals
I ate oatmeal again for the fourth day. |
Oaf |
a gruff, clumsy, and ignorant man
They are only large, awkward oafs. |
Oasis |
Is a desert oasis with water that is fertile
At an oasis, they made their overnight stop. |
Object |
Is a visible or touchable object that isn’t typically a live item like a plant, animal, or person
PLURAL: Objects
Any object that newborn touch will instantly cause its fingers to wrap around it. |
Observation |
Of being aware of something or someone
PLURAL: Observations
An observation is being conducted by the police on the suspect. |
Occasion |
Is a specific moment, mainly when something occurs or has already occurred
PLURAL: Occasions
We had multiple occasion to talk about the problem. |
Occupation |
a profession or job
PLURAL: Occupation
Please provide your name, age, and occupation. |
Odor |
Is a specific smell, especially an unpleasant one
The odor she had earlier detected lingered in the air. |
Odyssey |
Is a protracted wandering or journey, typically characterized by many changes of luck
PLURAL: Odysseys
They left Texas and embarked on a three-year odyssey that eventually brought them to Japan. |
Office |
Is a space, group of spaces, or structure used for business, professional, or administrative purposes
PLURAL: Offices
Last night, I didn’t leave the office until eight o’clock. |
Offer |
an indication of willingness to provide or do anything upon request
PLURAL: Offers
I’ll accept your offer one day. |
Ogre |
Is a person who is fearsome and fierce
Some of my professors truly resembled ogres. |
Oil |
Is a petroleum-based viscous liquid, particularly one used as a fuel or lubricant
Oil and water don’t mix. |
Omelet |
Is a fried egg dish that can be served simply or with a savory or sweet topping or filling.
PLURAL: Omelets
Please serve me an omelet with cheese on the side. |
Omen |
Is something that is believed to be an indicator of the timing of an event
A broken mirror is frequently interpreted as an omen of bad luck. |
Onion |
Is a vegetable that is a swelling edible bulb made up of numerous concentric layers
PLURAL: Onions
To lightly color the onion, cook it in oil. |
Oomph |
Is the property of being thrilling, lively, or seductive
PLURAL: Oomphs
You should give your acting more oomph. |
Option |
one thing that can be selected from a variety of options
PLURAL: Options
The wisest course option would be to postpone the trip entirely. |
Orange |
delicious fruit that is surrounded by a thick orange peel and a split orange center
PLURAL: Oranges
In oranges and other citrus fruit, you can find vitamin C. |
Origin |
the starting point or location of something
PLURAL: Origins
The origin of life is a subject of numerous ideas. |
Ounce |
a little quantity of something
PLURAL: Ounces
Robyn gathered up every ounce strength. |
Outside |
externally or on one side of something
PLURAL: Outsides
The house needs to have its outside painted. |
Oven |
Is an enclosed space used to cook and heat food that is typically a component of a cooker.
The cake in the oven was utterly forgotten by her. |
Oxygen |
Is an odorless, colorless reactive gas that is necessary for life to exist in the atmosphere.
PLURAL: Oxygens
Nowadays, the oxygen demand is increasing due to Covid-19. |