Nouns that start with P
Published October 17, 2022. Updated October 17, 2022.
What is a noun?
By definition, a noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.
Nouns that start with the letter P are often used in English. Although P is a consonant, it pairs up with both vowels and consonants. Nouns that start with the letter P are important because you might never write on parchments with your pen without them. Also, it creates various sounds as it attaches to other consonants. For example, “phone,” “plate,” etc. This guide will show you a list of 25 nouns that start with P and review their definition, plural form, and example uses.
List of P nouns
Noun |
Definition + Plural Form(s) |
Example Sentence |
Pace |
Refers to the speed of walking
PLURAL: paces
He matched his pace with hers. |
Pack |
A small container with things inside
PLURAL: packs
She lost one pack of matches in her car. |
Package |
A bunch of substances bound together
PLURAL: packages
Their package was delivered yesterday to their door. |
Page |
A sheet of paper with something written on it
PLURAL: pages
She read the page out loud to him as they studied. |
Paint |
A substance that puts color over something
PLURAL: paints
The child put paint all over his sibling. |
Painter |
An artist who draws
PLURAL: painters
A painter can lose his sleep over his paintings. |
Palace |
A grand building mostly for royalty purposes.
PLURAL: palaces
His invitation to the royal palace gave him a pleasant shock. |
Palate |
An ability to distinguish and appreciate different flavors of a dish
PLURAL: narratives
The ice cream soothed my palate after that spicy dish. |
Palm |
A particular tree found in the tropical and warm areas
PLURAL: palms
You may notice palm trees around beaches. |
Patrol |
A careful watch over an area by teams of guards or police
PLURAL: patrols
The recent murder case alerted a lot of patrol cars around the area. |
A repeated design PLURAL: pattern
If you observe the pattern of his kills, you might be able to identify the killer. |
Pause |
A temporary halt at something
PLURAL: pauses
He always gave a slight pause before announcing the climax of his story. |
Pea |
A circular, green, seed-like vegetable PLURAL: peas
She used to avoid eating peas on her plate. |
Peace |
Absence of trouble or disturbances PLURAL: peace
Money bought her happiness but not peace. |
Peacock |
A male bird with a long tail and beauty
PLURAL: peacocks
A peacock dancing is a beautiful thing to behold. |
Perfume |
A fragrant liquid often made from flowers
PLURAL: perfumes
He could not bear the smell of her perfume. |
Person |
Any individual human
PLURAL: persons
She is a good person but a bad speaker. |
Persuasion |
To convince someone to do something PLURAL: persuasions
Your persuasion yielded no fruit. |
Phantom |
A ghost or figment of imagination PLURAL: phantoms
The phantom appeared in all of their dreams. |
Pirate |
A thief who steals at sea from voyagers
PLURAL: pirates
The pirate with one leg was the scariest of all. |
A small patch that may carry somethings PLURAL: pockets
The key fell from his torn pocket. |
Poetry |
A form of literary arts where ideas are expressed in rhythms
PLURAL: poetries
It had been a long time since he wrote poetry. |
Potential |
A latent quality that may one day lead to success
PLURAL: potential
He was aware of her potential when he proposed the contest. |
Powder |
Dust produced by crushing some hard substance
PLURAL: powders
The teacher crushed the chalk into a powder. |
Prison |
A building specifically assigned to criminals.
PLURAL: prisons
The man was told to behave or end up in prison. |