Nouns that start with Q

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Published October 17, 2022. Updated October 17, 2022.


What is a noun?

Nouns are, by definition, things, places, people, or concepts.

Q starting nouns are more prevalent than other nouns. It frequently goes together with other consonants like K, U, and W. Use this article as a starting point to improve your writing. The primary function of a noun is to serve as the sentence’s subject. In this guide, you’ll see a list of 25 nouns that begin with Q, and see their definitions, plurals, and usage examples.


List of Q nouns


Definition + Plural Form(s)

Example Sentence


the mystical interpretation of the Bible used by ancient Jews that was first communicated orally and through esoteric means (including ciphers)


PLURAL: Qabalah’s


This series covers topics including the occult, tarot, and Hermetic Qabalah.


the loud noise that ducks are known for making


PLURAL: Quacks


I heard a quack over there on the lake.


Is a quadrangle




 At lunch, meet me at the quad.


each of a circle’s four halves


PLURAL: Quadrants

It is located in the northwest quadrant of the state.


Males have striking facial patterns on this medium-sized New World game bird


PLURAL: Quails


The fifteen to twenty eggs laid by the quail are white.


a seismic event


PLURAL: Quakes


Every time the train passed; we felt a quake in the flat.


a prerequisite that must be met in order to gain a right; an official requirement


PLURAL: Qualifications


 I dropped out of school at age 15 with no qualifications.


one British pound


PLURAL: Quid’s


For his work, we paid him four hundred quid.


sluggishness or dormancy


PLURAL: Quiescence’s


Adult animals can achieve a state of quiescence that resembles sleep with this technique.


a troubling sense of uncertainty, anxiety, or worry, especially over one’s behavior; a qualm


PLURAL: Qualms


I started to feel qualm over our fight.


the quantity of a tangible or intangible substance that cannot typically be measured spatially


PLURAL: Quantities


The fruit’s quantity and quality can be managed.


a contentious disagreement or argument between persons who are ordinarily on good terms, usually over a pointless matter


PLURAL: Quarrels


It was a mistake for her to pick a quarrel with John.


a creature being chased by a hound, a predatory mammal, or a bird of prey


PLURAL: Quarries


For a hawk, grouse is not an easy quarry.


the fourth parrying position out of eight


PLURAL: Quarts


In the pail, there is still one quart of milk.


a section of a town or city with a certain usage or character


PLURAL: Quarters


 I visited the port city with a fascinating medieval quarter last summer.


a player who controls an offense for a team while positioned behind the center


PLURAL: Quarterbacks


He aspired to play quarterback in the NFL.


a game or round in a knockout tournament that comes before the semifinals


PLURAL: Quarterfinals


After the rounds, the top two clans from each division will advance to the quarterfinal stage.


a query, especially one that expresses uncertainty or requests details


PLURAL: Queries


Please call our office with any query you may have.


a little seasoned ball made from ground pork or seafood


PLURAL: Quenelles


Before cooking, the mixture is formed into quenelles.


a phrase or expression used to extract information


PLURAL: Questions


We really hope that this pamphlet has been useful in addressing your question.


a series of written or printed questions with multiple choice answers created for a survey or statistical study


PLURAL: Questionnaires


There is still much to learn about how responders approach completing written questionnaires.


 mercury metal liquid


PLURAL: Quicksilvers


Because mercury is a silver liquid, it has also been called quicksilver for a long time.


absence of noise or bustle; calm


PLURAL: Quietness’s


House is oppressive in its stillness and quietness.


any of a bird’s primary wings or tail feathers


PLURAL: Quills


A little oak table with a yellowed parchment and a drooping exotic bird quill was outside the dining hall.


a heated bed cover that is stitched in place and consists of cushioning that is sandwiched between layers of cloth, usually in a decorative pattern


PLURAL: Quilts


A glass-fiber quilt insulated with a minimum thickness of 10.0 mm must cover the roof space.

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