Nouns that start with S
Published October 18, 2022. Updated October 18, 2022.
What is a noun?
Nouns are by definition, things, places, people, or concepts.
S starting nouns are more prevalent than other nouns. It frequently goes together with other consonants like B, D, G, L, and M. Use this article as a starting point to improve your writing. The primary function of a noun is to serve as the sentence’s subject. In this guide, you’ll see a list of 25 nouns that begin with S, and see their definitions, plurals, and usage examples.
List of S nouns
Noun |
Definition + Plural Form(s) |
Example Sentence |
Salient |
an area of land or fortress that protrudes in an outward or angled fashion to form a line of military attack or defense
PLURAL: Salients
The Germans were no longer able to attack farther into the Kursk salient after this important fight. |
Salute |
Is a respectful or courteous display of acknowledgment, particularly one made to or by a person upon arrival or departure
PLURAL: Salutes
He salutes triumphantly by raising his arms. |
Script |
characters printed in handwriting rather than print
PLURAL: Scripts
The play’s script was written by me. |
Science |
Is the academic and practical pursuit of the methodical examination of the physical and natural world’s composition and behavior through observation and experimentation
PLURAL: Sciences
For medical science to advance, research is essential. |
Scholarship |
academic success or achievement; advanced learning
PLURAL: Scholarships
Lack of scholarship has nothing to do with intellectual dishonesty. |
Scholar |
Is an expert in a specific field of study, particularly the humanities
PLURAL: Scholars
He was the most eminent scholar in his profession. |
Scripter |
Is a writer of scripts for plays, movies, or television dramas
PLURAL: Scripters
He’s an excellent scripter. |
Sea |
the vast body of salt water that encircles and covers the majority of the earth’s surface
The government ought to outlaw the disposal of radioactive waste in the sea. |
Self-Confidence |
realistic assurance in one’s own wisdom, skill, strength, etc.
PLURAL: Self-Confidence
I’m so exhausted and have no self-confidence at all. |
Shadow |
Is a shadow or form created by something blocking light from reaching a surface
PLURAL: Shadows
Long shadows are cast by trees. |
Shape |
the outside appearance, outline, or outlines of someone or something
PLURAL: Shapes
She liked the way his nose was shaped. |
Sickness |
Is the condition of being sick
PLURAL: Sicknesses
There’s a lot of sickness around this winter. |
Sister |
a woman or girl in comparison to her parents’ other daughters and sons
PLURAL: Sisters
I have nine brothers and sisters. |
Sketch |
a crude or incomplete sketch or painting that is frequently created to help create a more polished picture
PLURAL: Sketches
A sketch of my brother reading a book was created by my mother. |
Skill |
the capacity to do action well
PLURAL: Skills
I’m not good at sewing. |
Slick |
an application or quantity of an oily or shiny material
PLURAL: Slicks
She put on a quick slick of lipstick. |
Smash |
an instance of something crashing or it’s sound
PLURAL: Smashes
He heard glass smash. |
Smoothie |
Is a fruit-based beverage that is creamy and made with juice, milk, or yogurt
PLURAL: Smoothies
I want to sip on a smoothie. |
Snack |
a little something consumed in between meals
PLURAL: Snacks
Few people can resist a snack until the evening meal. |
Snap |
a swift, cracking noise or movement
She closed her purse with a snap. |
Soul |
the immortal spiritual or ethereal component of a person or animal
You’re a brave soul. |
Sophisticate |
Is a person who has traveled much and is well-versed in fashion and culture
PLURAL: Sophisticates
He is one of the most sophisticated New Yorkers. |
Spark |
Is a tiny fiery fragment created by the collision of two hard surfaces, such as metal or stone, or by lighting things on fire
PLURAL: Sparks
Sparks were flying from the log fire. |
Spice |
Is a language structure that is employed as a spell or incantation
PLURAL: Spices
A chief uses spices such as oregano, and pepper. |
Squire |
Is a man of great social standing who owns and resides on an estate in the country, particularly the largest landowner in such a region
PLURAL: Squires
He is the squire of Radbourne Hall. |