Nouns that start with T

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Published October 18, 2022. Updated October 18, 2022.


What is a noun?

By definition, a noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

Nouns that start with the letter T are common in English. Nouns that start with the letter T are important because you could never call a taxi or drink some tea without them. While it helps you read a text, it also tells you what terrors can be. Also, it gives you terminologies for your benefit. This guide will give you a list of 25 nouns that start with T and review their definitions, plural forms, and example uses.


List of T nouns


Definition + Plural Form(s)

Example Sentence


A piece of furniture with a flat top level where things may be kept.


PLURAL: tables


You may put the papers on the table.


A flat-surfaced stone where inscriptions are made.


PLURAL: tablets


The archeologists found twenty ancient tablets from that cave.


The thin part of the animal’s body that comes out from their back and helps them to maintain balance


PLURAL: tails


You should never step on an animal’s tail.


A person who makes fitted clothes


PLURAL: tailors


You might find a good tailor in the market area.


Some kind of work to be done


PLURAL: tasks


I am going to complete the primary tasks at hand.


A hot drink with medicinal benefits, made from plant leaves




He likes tea more than coffee.


A person who teaches others


PLURAL: teachers


The new teacher is strict.


A group of people working together


PLURAL: teams


They have a pretty strong team this year.


A hole created by some force


PLURAL: tears


There is a tear in your jacket.


An instrument for transmitting voices over distance


PLURAL: telephones


He got startled as his telephone started ringing.



The measurement of heat that rises or decreases

PLURAL: temperatures


You will get a heat stroke at this severe temperature.


A palace-like structure constructed to pray to the gods and goddesses of the Hindu religion.


PLURAL: temples


Some of the temples in India are located in scenic places.


Mental stress or emotional strain

PLURAL: tensions


The longer he waited for his test results, the more tension he had.


A procedure to determine the condition of something

PLURAL: tests


They ran some tests to figure out the problem.


A written form of some work that may be read.


PLURAL: texts


The exam includes all these texts in the syllabus.


A person skilled in providing specific therapies


PLURAL: therapists


His therapist turned his life around.


A person who steals from other people


PLURAL: thieves


A thief broke into their neighbor’s house last night.


The human organ that helps swallow food


PLURAL: throats


She had a sore throat in the morning due to the cold.


A piece of document that gives certain rights to the owner

PLURAL: tickets


Try not to lose your ticket before the match.


The rising and falling of the waves and the excess or lack of water at the beach


PLURAL: tides


It is dangerous to swim during the low tide.


The progress of life and existence as measured by mathematics

PLURAL: times


You should make time for your dear ones.


A subject of discussion


PLURAL: topic


Sometimes it is better to change the topic to keep the conversation interesting.


A pleasant journey that includes beautiful or significant sights in a specific area.


PLURAL: tours


I believe you had a pleasant tour last month.


A person who translates one language to another


PLURAL: translators


The international meeting cannot happen without a translator.


The period of time during the evening when the sun just sets behind the horizon


PLURAL: twilight


He proposed to her during the twilight.

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