Nouns that start with Y

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Published October 20, 2022. Updated October 20, 2022.


What is a noun?

Nouns are by definition things, places, people, or concepts.

Nouns starting in Y are less prevalent than other nouns but are still important. Use this article as a starting point to improve your writing as you yawn, yell and yelp. The primary function of a noun is to serve as the sentence’s subject. In this guide, you’ll see a list of 25 nouns that begin with Y, their definitions, plurals, and usage examples.


List of Y nouns


Definition + Plural Form(s)

Example Sentence


A racing- or cruising-ready medium-sized sailing vessel


PLURAL: yachts


He was at sea on his yacht for three days.


An unpleasant, obnoxious, or aggressive person


PLURAL: yahoos


Mike frequently acts like a yahoo around certain friends.


The extensively cultivated edible starchy tuber of a tropical or subtropical climbing plant


PLURAL: yams


Women are squatting and peeling yams in a clearing beneath a large tree.


 A swift, forceful pull


PLURAL: yanks


He gave the rope a yank.


A fully or partially enclosed open area (as by buildings or walls)


PLURAL: yards


An hour of exercise in the prison’s inner yard is permitted for inmates.


A length or distance expressed in yards


PLURAL: yardage, yardages


From the tee to the green, the caddie was calculating the yardage.


A benchmark for comparison; a 3-foot-long ruler


PLURAL: yardsticks


League tables are not the primary yardstick of how well a school is doing.


Used for knitting, weaving, or stitching, spun thread


PLURAL: yarn, yarns


She continues to spin yarn and knit sweaters for her family.


Sailboat with two masts and a mizzen mast stepped back far enough to cause the boom to extend over the stern of the vessel


PLURAL: yawls


After speaking with the captain, I assumed he would send a yawl to pick me up.


A habit of opening one’s mouth wide and taking a deep breath as a result of fatigue or boredom


PLURAL: yawns


He stretches while controlling a yawn.


A period of time that is typically measured in 365 days (or 366 days in leap years) starting on January 1


PLURAL: years


Her mother’s passing has made for a difficult year for her.


An annual magazine or book that lists events or other features of the previous year and provides current information; a school publication with pictures and a record of the year’s activities


PLURAL: yearbooks


The yearbook also observed a substantial decline in the number of reported instances of illnesses.


An overwhelming desire for something


PLURAL: yearnings


He felt a yearning for the mountains.


A microscopic fungus that reproduces by budding single oval cells and can turn sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide


PLURAL: yeasts


To create bread, combine water, yeast, and flour.


A piercing, loud shout of pain, surprise, or joy


PLURAL: yells


Her foot slipped and she gave a yell of fear.


A color whose pigment looks like lemons or butter


PLURAL: yellow, yellows


The bridesmaids wore yellow.


A brief, piercing shriek, often expressing pain or anxiety


PLURAL: yelps


He gave a yelp of pain and pulled his hand away.


A sincere desire for something; monetary unit in Japan




I have a strange yen to take the day off from work.


A quantity of an industrial or agricultural product that was produced


PLURAL: yields


This year’s wheat yield increased twofold.


A skilled yoga practitioner


PLURAL: yogis



The yogi was so focused on his breathing that he was unable to hear or respond to outside input.


A milk-based, semi-solid snack that is frequently flavored and sweetened after being fermented by additional bacteria


PLURAL: yogurts


You can eat a yogurt if you’re still hungry.


The yellow interior of a bird’s egg surrounded by a white exterior, which feeds the embryo developing inside. Both proteins and fats are found in it


PLURAL: yolks


Eggs that are barely cooked, with the yolk still runny, are my favorite.


Children or youth; a recently born or hatched animal


PLURAL: young


It is common for swans to carry their young on their backs.


Relating to or characteristic of being young


PLURAL: youthfulness


I wonder at her perennial youthfulness.


The property of being delicious or tasty


PLURAL: Yumminess


Serve that food warm for melt-in-the-mouth yumminess.

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