Assume vs Presume

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Assume and Presume have similar meanings of “to suppose” or “to take for granted.” That might seem like the two words are completely interchangeable. They’re not. There is a subtle difference between them. While both words mean “to suppose,” assume means you’re supposing based on nothing. It’s like a wild guess. Presume, on the other hand, means you’re supposing based on some evidence. It’s more like an educated guess.

Here are some definitions and examples to help make the use of these words clearer.

Assume (verb)

To suppose, to take for granted.


Your argument assumes that all feminists hate men, but that’s wrong.

You just met me, so don’t assume you know anything about me.

In both sentences, the word assume means “to suppose,” which is to guess about something, but there is no proof. It’s a wild guess – something you pull out of thin air. If you make an argument and the premise of your argument is based on something you just imagine with no evidence to support it, your argument is weak. If you just meet someone, would you have any evidence of the kind of person they are? Not really.

Presume (verb)

To suppose, to take for granted, to assume.


I see you have a pile of raisins on your plate. You don’t like raisins in your bread, I presume?

I presume this project will take longer than we anticipated. We’re already behind schedule.                        

In these sentences, the word presume also means “to suppose,” although, in each sentence, there is some evidence. It’s an educated guess. If someone is eating raisin bread, and you see a pile of raisins on their plate, you can guess that they don’t like raisin bread. The bread, yes, but not the raisins in it. If you have a project your group is working on and you already see you’re behind schedule, you can make an educated guess that the whole project will take longer than you originally thought.

Main Points

  • Both Assume and Presume are verbs that mean “to suppose” or “to take for granted.”
  • Assume means to suppose without any evidence at all. It’s a wild guess based on nothing.
  • Presume means to suppose but with some evidence. It’s an educated guess based on something.
  • One way to help you remember the difference: Presume means you have some P Remember the Ps.

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