Brake vs Break

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Brake and Break sound the same and have the same letters, just a little scrambled. However, they are completely different words. They are both commonly used, so it’s important to know the difference. Brake refers to any mechanism that slows or stops a moving vehicle, as well as the action of slowing or stopping. Break means when something whole is separated into parts or pieces, usually abruptly and violently. It also commonly refers to a pause or a rest, especially from work. Both brake and break can be both nouns and verbs.

Here are some definitions and examples to help make the use of these words clearer.

Brake (noun, verb)

(n) A mechanism that slows or stops a moving vehicle.

(v) The action of slowing or stopping a moving vehicle.


(n) The brakes on my car squeak. I need a mechanic to take a look at them.

(v) At a stop sign, you need to brake and come to a complete stop.

In these example sentences, the word brake means the same thing, only one is the noun, and one is the verb. In the first sentence, brake refers to the mechanism that stops a car. Since this mechanism is found on all the wheels of a car, it’s common to use the word brakes, in the plural. In the second sentence, brake refers to the action of stopping a vehicle.

Break (verb, noun)

(v) To abruptly and violently separate into parts or pieces.  

(n) A pause or rest, especially from work.


(v) It was an accident! I didn’t mean to drop and break your serving platter.  

(n) We’ve been at this project for hours. Let’s take a break and come back after lunch.                              

In these examples, the verb form and the noun form are two different words. These are the most common uses of the word break. In the first sentence, break is an action where something whole is violently separated into pieces. In this case, it’s a serving platter. In the second sentence, break refers to taking a rest from work.

Main Points

  • Brake can be a noun or a verb, meaning either the mechanism which stops a moving vehicle, or the action of stopping a vehicle.
  • Break can be a verb or a noun, but they refer to different things.
  • As a verb, break means to violently separate something whole into pieces.
  • As a noun, break refers to a taking a rest from work.

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