Let vs Lets

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Let and let’s may look and sound similar, but they have different meanings and uses. Let is a verb meaning “to allow” or “to permit” Let’s is a contraction combining the words let and us and it used to make a suggestion. Let has multiple meanings and uses when used as part of a phrasal verb, while let’s is more straightforward.

Here are some definitions and examples to help clarify the tricky difference between these words.

Let (verb)

To allow, to permit.


The dog barked at the door, demanding to be let in.

Please let me speak to your manager.

The dress was too small and needed to be let out.

In the first two examples, let is being used to mean “allow.” In the third example, the phrasal verb “let out” means to alter a dress to be larger.

Let’s (contraction)

Let us.


Let’s go to the park!

Let’s not jump to conclusions.

I doubt the letter came, but let’s see.

In all three examples, let’s means “let us.” When let’s is used, let is being used to give a request or make a suggestion. Note how in the first two examples, the speaker is speaking imperatively, proposing that listeners do what they suggest.

Main Points

  • Let is a verb meaning “to allow” or “to permit.”
  • Let’s is a contraction combining the words let and us.
  • When let’s is used, let is being used to make a suggestion.

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