How To Use Assuage In A Sentence

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Published December 27, 2022. Updated March 8, 2023.


This helpful guide will show you how to use assuage in a sentence. It will show you the definition of assuage, as well as synonyms, antonyms, and the type of connotation that the word can carry.

Usage for assuage

Definition: to appease, calm, or relieve

Part(s) of speech: verb

Antonyms: intensify; provoke; worsen

Synonyms: alleviate; pacify; soften


Here are but a few sample sentences of the word in action!

  • The right medicine can assuage even the most painful injuries.
  • Please just assuage my jealously and tell me everything that happened last night.
  • Nothing can assuage the grief I feel at the loss of my father.
  • I like a therapist that can assuage my anxieties, not just excite them by pushing me into conflict with myself.
  • The king is dedicated to his march of war. Nothing will assuage his anger now.
  • I believe some pain is too deep for any loved one to fully assuage.
  • If you cannot help assuage my anger, then I’d prefer if you just left.
  • If you don’t show her that you have the ability to assuage her anxieties, then she’ll never feel comfortable around you.
  • I don’t want you to just assuage my panic, I need you to fix the problem itself!
  • Cheating on the test might assuage your problem for now, but hard work will pay off in the long run.
  • You can’t assuage your guilt by talking to me; it’s her with whom you need to speak.
  • I must assuage my hunger before I can deal with any problem you may have.
  • A James Bond movie is the only thing that could assuage my boredom right now.
  • If God doesn’t manage to assuage these rough seas, I’m afraid our ship will sink.
  • Sometimes, it’s necessary to assuage your insecurities with some positive self-talk.
  • If you think you can assuage my anger with a simple apologize, you are sorely mistaken.
  • If you lack the skills to assuage our clients, then I’m afraid I have no use for you anymore.

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