How To Use Augment In A Sentence

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Published December 29, 2022. Updated February 14, 2023.


This helpful guide will show you how to use augment in a sentence. It will show you the definition of augment, as well as synonyms, antonyms, and the type of connotation that the word can carry.

Usage for augment

Definition: to increase in size or strength

Part(s) of speech: verb

Antonyms: compress; decrease; curtail

Synonyms: amplify; enhance; enlarge


Here are but a few sample sentences of the word in action!

  • We’ll need to augment the foundation if we want the building to withstand any upcoming hurricanes.
  • I’m going to find ways to augment my income so I can afford this new house.
  • If I’m going to augment my diet, it will exclusively be with chocolate.
  • This skirt is too short for her; can we possibly augment the waistline?
  • Our army is much too small to defeat the Visigoths. If we augment it with men from the nearby villages, we might stand a chance.
  • I’m just saying that if you augment the poem so it’s more than just two lines, I think people will get more out of it.
  • Honey, I think it’s time we augmented your wardrobe. You only wear three outfits over and over again.
  • My trainer says I need to augment my workout routine if I want to get stronger muscle mass.
  • The restaurant portions are so small. If they don’t augment them soon, I think they’ll start losing customers.
  • We just need to augment the conflict between the villain and the hero. A story is nothing without a big conflict.
  • Your mistake was augmenting the garage rather than just giving it a new roof.
  • I don’t think your pies will be fixed just by augmenting them; you need a new recipe.
  • If we augment the walls of the submarine, I think it should be able to withstand the depths that you desire.
  • It was the singing of the Whos in Whoville that finally managed to augment the heart of that mean old Grinch.
  • Please, can you just augment your motorcycle so I can fit on the back?

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