How To Use Context In A Sentence

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Published December 29, 2022. Updated March 3, 2023.


This helpful guide will show you how to use context in a sentence. It will show you the definition of context, as well as synonyms, antonyms, and the type of connotation that the word can carry.

Usage for context

Definition: the information or circumstances that surround a statement, event, or behavior, which usually influences its significance

Part(s) of speech: noun

Antonyms: insignificance; ignorance

Synonyms: background; conditions


Here are but a few sample sentences of the word in action!

  • I can see how you might interrupt my statement as an insult, but it’s only because you have no context.
  • It’s unfair to harshly judge a movie as terrible without being aware of all the behind-the-scenes context.
  • I only ate the entire jar of pickles because I was exhausted and pregnant. Understand the context before you give me that look.
  • For a therapist to truly understand the motivations behind a client’s actions they must first dig into the context of their life.
  • I’d be very curious to learn the context behind the origin of trick or treating.
  • David and Griffen are connoisseurs of context because they don’t talk about a film in a vacuum. Instead, they analyze it based on the director’s entire oeuvre.
  • Novels are effective because they get inside the protagonist’s head so a reader can understand the context behind their decisions.
  • If you would take a minute to understand the context around my tantrum, you wouldn’t be so angry with me.
  • It’s easy to misinterpret a soundbite on cable news if you aren’t given its context.
  • The film Psycho was innovative because the director provided all the context for the female lead’s personal journey but then had her killed halfway through the movie.
  • If you only look at one page of Alice in Wonderland, it will seem completely absurd, and therein lies the importance of context.
  • I believe nurture is more of an influence than nature on a child because I’m willing to look into the context of a person’s upbringing.
  • He claims that I would understand why he cheated on me if I looked at the context of our whole relationship.
  • I love when period TV shows perfect the wardrobe and language of their time period. It really helps put the story in its proper context.
  • If you walked into my bedroom and saw four thousand slices of cheesecake covering the floor, you would be shocked, but that’s only because you don’t know the context.

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