How To Use Legacy In A Sentence

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This helpful guide will show you how to use legacy in a sentence, especially since it has more than one meaning! You will learn the definitions of legacy, its synonyms, antonyms, and the types of connotations the word can carry.  

Usage 1 for legacy

Definition: Money or other possessions left to someone as a gift in a will

Part(s) of speech: noun

Antonyms: loss, debt, dispossession

Synonyms: benefaction, bequest, endowment, estate, heirloom, inheritance


Let’s look at a few examples of how to use legacy in a sentence!

  • She was a savvy business person. When she passed, she left her children a legacy of millions of dollars.
  • These paintings are my family’s entire legacy.
  • I hope to leave a legacy of wealth to my grandchildren.
  • After her death, Anna’s children inherited her entire legacy.
  • My father was kind but poor. This watch was the only legacy he left behind.
  • Grandpa Joe gifted his prized Marine Corps saber to his children as a part of his legacy.
  • What did our mother leave us as her legacy?
  • After the will was read and their parent’s legacy had been distributed, the children left in silence and once again went their separate ways.
  • Upon his death, the minister willed his entire legacy to his congregation.
  • My grandparents left me a legacy of millions of dollars.

Usage 2 for legacy


A candidate for a particular college or organization who receives preferential treatment because a parent or relative had previously attended

Part of speech



neophyte, newcomer,  outsider


native, insider, descendant


Now, let’s see how to use this definition of legacy in a sentence! 

  • Give him priority registration. His parents were legacies.
  • We don’t need to pledge since we are legacy members.
  • Legacy members don’t have to prove themselves to join, not the way you and I had to, anyway.
  • I just found out that Jimmy is a legacy. Both his father and his grandfather were members.
  • They only hazed us until they realized that we were legacies. After that, it was all jokes and apologies.
  • The university had no shortage of members whose pledges had arrived with the support of a legacy.
  • Buildings on campus bear the names of the many legacy benefactors to whom the college owed so much.
  • Her mother had previously attended the institution, so she would be considered a legacy.
  • Many universities embrace scholarships set up by legacy.
  • Tommy was aware of the many legacies applying but remained unphased. He was sure his extracurricular activities and devotion to charity work would get him that scholarship.

Usage 3 for legacy


Result of an event or period of history that remains from a previous time

Part of speech



antecedent, precursor, cause


aftermath, ancestry, consequences, history, repercussion, tradition


Here are a few sample sentences for this definition of legacy!

  • Jack the Ripper terrorized London in the late nineteenth century. He left a legacy of mystery and terror.
  • My grandfather left a behind a legacy that I choose to continue.
  • When I die, I shall leave my legacy.
  • Her uncle had left behind an intimidating legacy.
  • She could hardly stand to listen. He was obviously a man impressed with his own legacy.
  • His legacy lives on through his remarkable children.
  • Eleanor’s family left a legacy of kindness and goodwill to the world.
  • The ancient cultures of the Mediterranean left behind a rich legacy of incredible artifacts for future generations.
  • Tom Brady retired from football, leaving behind a legacy of professionalism and greatness.
  • I studied anthropology in college and became an archaeologist to continue my father’s legacy.


Usage 4 for legacy


Hardware or software associated with previous technology

Part of speech



cutting-edge, latest, state-of-the-art, trendy


obsolete, old, outdated


Here are even more sample sentences for this definition of legacy!

  • When we purchased the company, we inherited its legacy software.
  • Being prolific game producers, they boasted a wealth of legacy data.
  • Some of the best games can only be played on legacy systems.
  • The shop sells all new games and several older games from legacy video game consoles.
  • This gaming platform is prized for its processing speed, storage, and ability to play legacy games from its predecessors.
  • It’s popular now to use emulators, which allow you to play classic games without their legacy systems.
  • Xbox One can play its new and legacy Xbox 360 games.
  • Mario Brothers is perhaps the most well-known legacy title in the gaming world.
  • Several subscription services are now available to rent games from legacy systems.
  • The Nintendo Wii is backward compatible and can play a variety of legacy GameCube games.

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