How To Use Philosophy In A Sentence

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Published January 10, 2023. Updated March 5, 2023.


This helpful guide will show you how to use philosophy in a sentence, especially since it has more than one meaning! You will learn the definitions of philosophy, its synonyms, antonyms, and the types of connotations the word can carry.  

Usage 1 for philosophy

Definition: A particular school of thought pursuing wisdom, reason, and understanding

Part(s) of speech: noun

Antonyms: ignorance, naivete, unconsciousness

Synonyms: enlightenment, wisdom, theory


Let’s look at a few examples of how to use philosophy in a sentence!

  • After studying philosophy, I have found I have a better capacity for reason.
  • With no genuine interest in mathematics or science, Socrates instead focused on the philosophy of morality.
  • The pursuit of philosophy, it is believed, should yield practical results for the greater good of society.
  • The study of philosophy can be used to augment one’s problem-solving capabilities.
  • In Socratic philosophy, you are urged to define the problem you wish to address before building your argument.
  • Dan took just one philosophy class and now argues everything with everyone.
  • In philosophy class today, we learned that Aristotle used simple observation and logic to make empirical claims about the physical world.
  • Stoic philosophy asserts that personal virtue is both necessary and adequate to achieve happiness.
  • Cynic philosophy urges virtue through the abandonment of the desire for excess.
  • The philosophy of pragmatism teaches one to approach problems with practical solutions.

Usage 2 for philosophy


Attitude or theory that drives the behavior of a person or organization

Part of speech



 unbelief, indifference


credo, tenet, ideology


Here are a few sample sentences for this definition of philosophy!

  • His personal philosophy stressed the importance of work.
  • Tim couldn’t be bothered to use deodorant. It was his philosophy that people should keep their bodies as they are naturally.
  • Paul has a unique philosophy of life. He doesn’t try to impress anyone, because he believes life could easily be a computer simulation.
  • Treat others well and expect nothing less in return? Now that’s a philosophy I can live by.
  • Her personal philosophy was that work could wait, whereas the exciting experiences one finds in life often could not.
  • To ignore my own limits and seek the greatest thrills regardless of the danger: that is my philosophy.
  • The chef traveled across Europe, sampling the cuisine and dissecting the regional philosophy of food at each of her destinations.
  • Hard work pays off. That’s the philosophy that drives the most successful students.
  • The philosophy of this office is that work comes first, then play.
  • I would never hurt another living thing. It is my philosophy that all living things are sacred.

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